
Welcome to my blog, Open Reading Frame. An open reading frame is a concept in genetics referring to a stretch of DNA sequence that can be “read” by cellular machinery to produce a protein. If you shift the frame right or left you completely change how the sequence is read. I have titled my blog “Open Reading Frame” to invoke the idea of many possible readings and viewpoints on genetics and its importance in our lives.

I started the blog at the same time as my doctoral dissertation research in Public Health Genetics at the University of Washington, in Fall 2015. Initially, posts were typically at least tangentially related to my dissertation project, though I sometimes ventured into blogging about other happenings and events in genetics. I now post less frequently, but when I do it’s still about or related to my active areas of research (in genetics and/or ethical, legal, and social implications thereof).

Recent posts and archives by month can be found on the right sidebar.

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