Guest post

I don’t know how to say this, but…I’ve been seeing other blogs!!
Just kidding. I mean I’ve started writing on another blog, hosted by the University of Washington Genomics Salon. The Salon brings together a diverse group of students, post-docs, faculty, and community members to discuss issues relevant to science and society. I am proud to be one of several co-organizers for the Salon, and have moderated or co-moderated two sessions in the past.
Here’s my guest post giving a recap of a Salon session I co-led last month on the topic of science and metaphor. The other co-moderator was the esteemed Dr. Leah Ceccarelli, rhetorical scholar and metaphor expert. Leah was a member of my Master’s thesis committee, a project I’ve written about previously here as well.
Enjoy, and I encourage you to follow the Salon blog as well!
I am currently fielding an online survey as part of my dissertation project. If you have taken a direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetics test and are at least 18 year old, please consider taking my survey. And feel free to pass along to friends, family, and colleagues!
I’ll be back with another more substantive post soon.